King's Leadership Academy Wavertree is part of the Great Schools Trust (GST), a company limited by guarantee.
The GST members and board of trustees are the proprietors of the Trust and set the overarching vision and strategy for all of the GST academies. Trustees’ main responsibilities are the three core governance functions:
In order to discharge these duties successfully the board of trustees has delegated some of these responsibilities to executive leaders and local academy councils (LACs) (see the Scheme of Delegation for more information).
King's Wavertree has a committed team of governors who are actively involved in school life. They successfully represent the local community and bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from a variety of professional backgrounds. Governors include parent and staff representatives.
The LAC has delegated oversight for curriculum and standards, community presence and safeguarding. This includes attendance, student welfare and health and safety. Finance and staffing are the direct responsibility of the trust board. Nevertheless, the GST governance structure allows each LAC chair to be appointed as a trustee. Therefore, local governance is represented in board discussions.
In short, LACs are an integral part of the Trust’s governance structure. They are the eyes and ears on the ground at school level. The LAC supports the trust board by adhering to their core governance functions and by holding the school to account for performance and development. In addition, they support school leaders by acting as their ‘critical friend’.
The Chair of the Local Academy Council is Michael Ireland.
Should you wish to contact the Chair of the Local Academy Council or LAC please contact the Trust’s director of governance, Michelle Jones, via email or by post by addressing any correspondence for the attention of Michelle Jones at the school’s address:
King's Leadership Academy Wavertree
Please note that any complaints regarding the school must be raised in line with our complaints policy and cannot be raised directly with the Local Academy Council.